Thursday 13 December 2012


FILM 3: Crash

A Brentwood housewife and her DA husband. A Persian store owner. Two police detectives who are also lovers. An African-American TV director and his wife. A Mexican locksmith. Two carjackers. A rookie cop. A middle-aged Korean couple...

They all live in LA. and during the next 36 hours, 

they will all collide.


The introductory monologue pretty much summarizes most of what happens in this movie.  People in L:A: move back and forth in their cars, without any kind of human contact.  They need to collide in order to make that necessary human contact everybody needs.

Why do you thing the title is crash?

Crash is a provocative treatise on racism woven together with a series of overlapping threads. Talk about the different thinks, and everything have a double meaning. At the final of the film you see that the topics are related and finally all do a CRASH.


1. (2.51 – 5.54) Read the opening monologue.

Graham has just crashed.  The car is now stopped.  This is what he says:

“It's the sense of touch. Any real city, you walk, you know?, you brush past people. People bump into you.

In L.A., nobody touches you.  We're always behind this metal and glass.

I think we miss that touch so much that we crash into each other just so that we can feel something.”


1.1.*Discuss the meaning of these words.  

Graham says that the people in L.A. only crash and they don't touch, and we miss that touch.


1.2.*How do you think the woman sitting right next to him (the driver) is going to respond to this?

She don't give importance to what he says.


1.3.The woman sitting next to Graham leaves the car and goes to where the police officer and the other driver are.  What kind of problem do you perceive in the conversation you hear?  Choose one and explain.

-       an age gap problem

-       a racial issue

-       tension due to unsolved problems these two women had before


Is a racial issue because one woman is black and she thinks that the other one is racist and she crash with her because it.


1.4.Graham goes to where his colleagues are working.  What have they found?  How does Graham react to that?

 They found a shoe. Graham got nervous because he know it is his brother's shoe.

2. (35:01- 36:48) Check the problems these two men are having:

The locksmith doesn’t know how to do his job. False

The locksmith wants to overcharge for his job. True

The locksmith didn’t replace the lock for a new one. True

The store owner doesn’t understand English well enough. False

The locksmith cannot find a way to communicate effectively with the store owner. False

The locksmith has a friend who fixes doors; so, he wants to persuade the store owner to have his door fixed by this friend. True

The store owner has a door lock in his store that needs to be replaced. False

The store owner has a door in his store that needs to be replaced.True

The locksmith doesn’t want to be insulted any more.True

The locksmith leaves without getting any pay.True

The store owner believes he’s been cheated. True


Write down the characters' names
and the different stories in the film.


Choose 1 story IN THE FILM and write a summary
 in the  CRASH WIKI 

You'll have 1 of the stories.
Write a summary of the story.
Describe the characters in the story:
How do they look like?
describe them using adjectives like: naïve, responsible, ambitious...
What's the relationship between them?mother-son, husband-wife...
How do they feel at the beginning?
How do they react in the story?
Do they change? Why? Why not?

Choose one character you like
Describe this character 
physical description
evolution in the story.

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